Information on:
Emotion Code/Body Code/Belief Code

Dr. Bradley Nelson, a globally renowned expert in Bioenergetic Medicine, Teacher, Healer, Author and Founder of the Emotion Code & Body Code.

If interested in this work with me, first sign-up for a Consultation, this includes a Body Evaluation.  We’ll then go over the findings during the Consultation.   Or simply sign-up for the Group trapped emotion release, offered each Wednesday.  This simply releases trapped emotion stuck in the system.


The Emotion Code, created by Dr. Bradley Nelson after more than 25 years as a Holistic Chiropractor, Author, Teacher.  The Emotion Code, Body Code Belief Code are powerful methods of releasing energy blocks.  These are trademarked and designed to remove potentially damaging emotional & mental energy frequencies from the body

Trapped emotion energy is far more abundant than any other kind of imbalance we find in the body, and holds a vibration.  These start from childhood and remain with us into our adult life, if not released.  We can hold as many as 365 at any given time!

90% of People & Animals Physical or Emotional pain, is due to their “Emotional Trauma” causing inflammation, pain, congestion, self-sabotage, recurring emotional distress, depression, anxiety, etc… We work with a flow Chart of 60 low vibration Emotions to locate in the system.

Stress happens when the Brain and Heart are knocked out of sync with each other.   (the key is to always maintain coherence with the 2)  When we perceive a threat, we turn on the primitive nervous system and prevent movement, all thinking is consumed by some threat or fear, whether real or imagined, and with chronic long-term, this effects the hormones.

Science is saying we push the genetic buttons to create disease that make us ill.  So if that’s possible, we can also help create positive flow by releasing these and concentrating on positive thinking.
“Energy goes where Thoughts flow”.

Trapped Emotions are energy balls the size of your fist.  These are under the skin surface, immune to Magnetic releasing, “until” we go through the “process” of connecting with the subconscious, a Flow Chart of 60 low frequency emotions, and Kinesiology muscle testing, to find the unprocessed emotion disrupting positive flow.

Trapped emotions tend to develop in areas of pre-existing weakness or injury. Unprocessed Emotions throughout life, often settle in weakened or injured areas, distorting the energy field even more.  This distortion can make recovery slower and more difficult.   This concept also applies to Stroke victims as there is weakness in the Brain where trapped emotions can settle.

The way we release non-beneficial low frequency emotion is connecting with the subconscious mind of an individual. The subconscious mind contains all stored information of everything ever experienced. It’s like a computer chip in the system.  Upon connecting, we query questions with Kinesiology muscle testing and release these low frequencies using Magnets or (finger tips also magnetized) thru the Governing Meridian.

It’s the largest of all 20 Meridians. It runs from beneath the Nose up over the Crown down the full length of the Spine. We simply roll a Magnet or finger tips 3 or 4 times in this Meridian with the Intention to release the stuck emotion located

Trapped emotions are far more abundant than any other kind of imbalance we find in the body, as they hold a vibration. These start from our childhood and remain with us into our adult life until released. That number can vary dramatically depending on a number of factors; A Heart Wall, Age, the number of Traumas experienced since childhood, Stress etc…There can be hundreds upon hundreds of trapped emotion frequencies in the system. The body can have as many as 365 at any given time. 90% of People & Animals Physical or Emotional pain, is due to their “Emotional Trauma” causing inflammation, physical pain, congestion, self-sabotage, recurring emotional distress, depression, anxiety, etc… There are 60 Emotions on the Flow Chart we use that can be trapped in the body and duplicates causing “Layers”.

Stress in the system is when the Brain and Heart are bumped out of coherence. When we perceive a threat, we turn on the primitive Autonomic nervous system; Parasympathetic & Sympathetic NS and preventing forward movement. All thoughts are then focused on this perceived threat; whether real or imagined, long or short term; but chronic long-term, affects the hormones of stress.

The problem is, we can turn on that stress response just by thought alone!  Thinking about our problems, thinking the worst-case scenarios, we capture “hurt” memories. So if we can turn on the stress response just by thoughts, science is saying we push the genetic buttons to create disease that make us ill. So if that’s possible, not holding onto negative thoughts & emotions, can also help create better flow in the system!  When Energy balancing is applied, it works to help not slip back into Lack Thinking & Speaking. “Energy goes where Thought flows”.

Any time one has an emotional experience throughout life, if those emotions didn’t have a chance to be fully processed, they become trapped in the body. 95% of People & Animals Physical or Emotional pain, is due to their “Emotional or Physical Trauma” that couldn’t be processed. The energy of the Emotion remains stuck in the system till released, causing; inflammation, physical pain, congestion, recurring emotional distress, depression, anxiety, etc…

Everything is Energy and has a vibration; this includes Organs, Glands, Tissue, Muscles and Emotions! Some vibrations we attract are lower in frequency than our Organs & Glands, causing them to weaken, work less efficiently. These can bring on issues like; Liver & Heart disease, Stomach ulcers, Hernia, Kidney stones, Cancer, Diverticulitis, Gallbladder, Thyroid, Knee’s and Hips etc… in some cases the need for the release or replacement such as; Thyroid, Knee’s, Gallbladder, Hips etc…

I work with People & Animals across the Globe, remotely, no need to come to an office. I’ve had great success working remotely while the Analytical/Ego mind sleeps, the Nervous system rests. *It also releases Inherited trapped emotion energies not your own, but passed down to you.



Body System Balance
Achieve physical balance by identifying issues in organs and glands, muscles body systems and how they connect

Structural Balance
Support the proper function of the bones, nerves, connective tissue and alignment

Nutrition and Lifestyle
Find herbs and nutrients, exercise and lifestyle habits, your body is asking for

Pathogen Resolution
Identify fungal back viral mold or parasitic invaders that may wreak havoc on the body from the inside out

Start Restoring Health and Wellness
The Body Code is a patented, revolutionary energy balancing system, intended to help one uncover root causes of discomfort sickness and suffering in body and spirit—so you can have the opportunity to make corrections on the spot.

This work helps even the beginner not familiar with energy healing
Whether you are new to energy healing or very experienced, the techniques described in this program are designed to awaken your potential to restore health and wellness.

How soon can one expect results?
Restoration and balance happen in layers. You can’t force it, and is not possible to provide any guarantees. Some people have what they consider a “miraculous” outcome the first time they utilize The Body Code. Others take several weeks or months before their main concern may be resolved. Sometimes the more serious the problem, the longer it can take to get results. But that is not always the case! The best thing to do is check yourself daily to see if your thinking may be standing in the way. Just stick with it and allow changes to happen when your mind, body and spirit are ready.

It doesn’t end with physical wellness
Strengthen relationships and find love
When you release the negative energy of past emotional experiences related to love, relationships, and family ties, you may open your heart to the possibility of true and lasting love of all kinds.

Pave the way for freedom and creativity
Unleash your creativity and attain higher levels of success by freeing yourself of limiting beliefs, patterns of failure, and self-sabotage that may be hiding in your body as energetic imbalances.

Shatter blocks to wealth and success
Unlock your potential for wealth and abundance by releasing the imbalances that may be causing money blocks and other limitations that could hold you back from your true potential.

Strengthen relationships and find Love
When you release the negative energy of past emotional experiences related to love, relationships, and family ties, you may open your Heart to the possibility of true and lasting love of all kinds.  We identify trapped emotions, resolve underline imbalances, restoring balance physically and emotionally.  This modality helps the body let go of stuck emotional frequencies and goes through internal changes & shifts.

The body re-calibrates and adjusts from emotional frequencies trapped in the system, even though it may not appear that way on the surface. This work is about energy, frequencies and emotion vibrations being trapped. Trapped emotions are far more abundant than any other kind of imbalance we find in the body, as they hold a vibration. I work with both People & Animals Remotely.

The Body Code™ is trademarked and designed to remove potentially damaging emotional and physical energy frequencies. It works with Circuitry systems, Chakras, Acupuncture Meridians and Energy Circuits of the Organs & Glands. Sometimes we have to work in a certain order, as the body isn’t always ready for clearing a specific area, until some balancing can be done elsewhere in the system, as it may be deep seeded




Working with this intuitive energy healing modality for an affordable, easy to navigate and beautiful experience.  These modalities work in conjunction with each other, containing the Emotion Code/Body Code/Belief Code.  We identify trapped emotions, resolve underline imbalances and restore balance physically and emotionally.

We are now able to remove negative Belief Systems in the Subconscious mind, building on the foundational concepts in the Emotion Code/Body Code, working with the Belief Code.  With this groundbreaking addition of the Belief Code in November of 2023, this takes energy healing even further, releasing programs.


Step I:  Belief Code Chart
Negative Programs
Limiting Beliefs
Faulty Core Beliefs
*Faulty Core Identity (rare if one)

Step II-Emotion Code Chart:
Associated Imbalances
Here we can find 1 to 12 Trapped Emotions
These drive the Belief System Programs

Step III-Body Code Chart:
More Associated Imbalances

Step IV-Closing Subconscious Gaps
Closing gaps from deleted faulty information


Basic Belief System
Negative Programs:    1-4 statement programs
Limiting Beliefs:           1-4 statement programs
Faulty Core Belief:       1 statement programs
Faulty Core Identity:    1 statement programs


Negative Program
Negative Programs are the result of the full system, producing negative automatic thoughts. They are the easiest part of the faulty belief system to perceive and can be recognized as negative self-talk and negative chatter in the mind.

Limiting Belief
When you ask why the belief system exists, you will find the limiting belief at the center. This belief is likely something
you believe about yourself or the world, and may have no idea that thought was lingering in your Subconscious mind.

Faulty Core Belief
When a negative belief is reinforced, and supported by other emotions, that belief begins to grow and even become additional beliefs. It spreads and compounds upon itself, becoming a tangled web of roots that become our belief system.

Faulty Core Identity
A Faulty Core Identity is the origin story of the belief. These beliefs often begin when we are children and absorb the ideas around us without question. These become associated with our identity so closely, they may be unrecognizable to us.



This is a separate space set up as a protection for the Heart automatically by the Sub-conscious, when we experience something
traumatic or were exposed to.

Example:   young children experiencing parents divorcing, job loss, surgeries, car accidents, death of a family member, home environment as a child turbulent, a friend, a pet, also moving away from an area and still more…

People that have Chronic Anxiety/PTSD/Depression, typically, it’s a Heart Wall issue! Having a Heart-Wall affects the body in 2 ways.

it interferes with the free flow of Heart energy through the body,” “This could make it more difficult for the body to heal itself, and may affect you physically; particularly in the neck, upper back, and shoulders.
2nd, it can interfere with our ability to fully open our emotional heart to others, and manifest abundance and love in our life.”

Dr Bradley Nelson, founder of the Emotion Code website
Thank you

Also, please take some time to check out other Pages in my website:
Home Page:   Educational Video on the “Fundamentals of the Emotion Code”
Testimonials Page:  insight on People & Animals I’ve worked with
YouTube Channel:   Click the Subscribe button and be notified when I’m Live!
On occasion I offer Live segments of Free Trapped Emotion (TE) release from areas of congestion triggering Physical & Emotional pain in Knees, Hips Anxiety, Depression etc…

Differences between Allopathic Medicine vs Energy Medicine
Energy Medicine:
Is a system in which a Practitioner searches for the root issue. Identifies and corrects an imbalance by going it’s root “cause” of the Emotional or Physical issue in People & Animals. The Practitioner is literally extracting from the system, low vibrating energy frequencies, stuck in the body

Allopathic Medicine: Is a system in which medical doctors and other healthcare professionals such as nurses, pharmacists, and therapists treat symptoms & disease using “drugs, radiation or surgery”

Offering Remote Distance healing since 2012.
Thank you!
Embracing the Light

Below find the Chart used when offering a Body Evaluation scan on someone New interested in this work.

Client Name:
Client Age:
Client Type:
Session Type:
Body Code Evaluation

Detected capacities
Immune System           functioning at what %
Brain % of messages   reaching Organs & Glands
Heart % of messages  reaching body tissue
Light Score Ratio         functioning at what %

Check for Heart-Wall/

Adult Electrolytes Laboratory Value
Sodium Level                136-146 mEq/L (136-146 mmol/L)
Chloride Level               96-106 mmol/L
Potassium Level           3.6-5.2 mEq/L (3.5-4.5 mmol/L)
Phosphorous Level      2.5-4.5 mg/dL
Calcium Level               8.6 to 10.3 mg/dL
Magnesium Level        1.7 to 2.2 mg/dL
Vitamin C Level            0.4 and 1.7 mg/dL
Vitamin B12 level        190 to 950 picograms per milliliter may vary with different labs/ *B-12 is low if less than 200 ng/mL-if between 200 to 300 pg/mL  is considered borderline
PH Balance                  7.5 or above/Lemon water for Alkaline
Vitamin D level            20 to 50 ng/nanograms
Vitamin A level            20 to 60 (mcg/dL) or 0.69 to 2.09 micromoles per liter (micromol/L).
Iron Level                    12.6–13.5 mg/in women older than 19
Protein                        grams daily intake for my weight
Protein average for sedentary Women 46 grams daily/for sedentary Men 56 grams daily
(to determine daily intake multiply your weight in pounds by 0.36) Body Weight Lbs ???

Organs-Imbalanced, Blocked, Stressed

  • Hypothalamus
  • Kidneys
  • Lungs
  • Ovaries
  • Mammary glands
  • Pancreas
  • Esophagus
  • Thyroid
  • Descending Colon
  • Sm Intestine-(has 3 parts-duodenum/jejunum/ilieum)
  • Colon (or Lg Intestine)
  • Gallbladder
  • Bladder
  • Adrenal gland
  • Thymus Gland
  • Ileo-Cecal Valve
  • Heart
  • Liver
  • Uterus
  • Prostate
  • Pineal Gland
  • Transcending Colon
  • Stomach
  • Nervous system
  • Spleen
  • Pituitary Gland
  • Ascending Colon
  • Amygdala gland
  • Thalamus gland
  • Parathyroid gland
  • Brain-Stem
  • Brain-Cerebellum
  • Brain-Vestibular system Inner Ear
  • Interstitium/fluid-filled space that exists between skin and body organs

7 Chakras – Imbalanced, Blocked, Stressed

*Disclaimer:  Any information presented on this website about The Discover Healing’s Methods and services, products, books, classes, programs, articles, events, and trainings is not intended to be used to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any medical condition or psychological disorder.

Nor are they intended as a substitute for seeking professional health care advice and services. It is designed to assist an individual in releasing trapped emotional energy, to restore balance and energetic flow in the body.

Thereby creating the opportunity for the mind/body to heal itself naturally. This Method is intended for “healing,” it is not to be construed that the use of the Method is the practice of medicine, psychotherapy, or other licensed health care practice.