Bringing Balance to;
Physical, Emotional & Spiritual Self
Certified in the Emotion Code/Body Code/Belief Code.
If interested in this work with me, first sign-up for a Consultation, this includes a Body Evaluation. We’ll then go over the findings during the Consultation. Or simply sign-up for the Group trapped emotion release, offered each Wednesday. This simply releases trapped emotion stuck in the system.
I’m ever-expanding my consciousness with my Spirit Team, working globally with Remote Distance Healing. This is quantum physics, we’re simply moving energy from one place to another. It’s for this reason, it’s not necessary to be in the Physical presence of a Practitioner during a session. The key understanding is, we connect with a person or animal’s subconscious higher self, where all information is stored, like a built-in computer chip.
It’s a simple process, using Applied Kinesiology muscle testing and Magnets. It’s designed to help alleviate Physical & Emotional wounds by identifying and correcting the root cause. Any time one has an emotional experience throughout life, if not fully processed, that energy becomes trapped in the body.
Everything is Energy and has a vibration; this includes Organs, Glands and Emotions! Some vibrations we attract have lower frequencies than our Organs & Glands, causing them to weaken, work less efficiently and more. This can bring on issues like; Liver & Heart disease, Stomach ulcers, Hernia, Kidney stones, Cancer, Bladder, Colon diverticulitis, Gall Bladder, Thyroid, Knee’s and Hips etc… in some cases the need for Organs removed or replaced; Gall Bladder, Thyroid, Kidney’s, Knee’s, Hips etc…I work with People & Animals across the Globe.
Thank you for visiting!
My Book! A Change in Perception
Open your mind to the possibilities beyond what is in front of you!
In this book, A Change in Perception, Sherryl with her Spirit Team shares with you her personal experiences connecting with her Team of friends and relatives that have crossed over, Angels and Light Beings. Writing with warmth, clarity and a mix of humor, she brings understanding by helping to educate people through some of her own experiences. Her goal is to help as she shares her practical, but spiritual guidance. Sherryl believes Meditation exercises daily on this journey, can help anyone get in touch with their own Divine Spirit Team, Guides, Angels, Light Beings. She believes each of us, with the help of our Team and a healthy balance of Energy Work, can replace doubt with trust and understanding. This book is about opening the mind to possibilities beyond what’s directly in front of us. To find peace through change, to work “with” life, not fight against it, to awaken one’s belief. That it’s ok to think outside the box and believe we “can” accomplish our dream. The knowledge is already within…
Click here for a short video of my history in the Metaphysical Community, my Book A Change in Perception and education on the fundamentals of the Emotion Code/Body Code. ~Sherryl/CBCP
Individual Sessions
Hi Sherryl. Thank you for taking care of me. I'm feeling better. My Lt fore-arm has gotten better. The pain in my left foot is gone. There is some tweaking in my Rt Shoulder, but feeling better.
Kristen C.
Hope this email finds you well. My name is Brooke, we worked together back in 2022 just prior to my moving from Massachusetts to Florida. It was a tremendous and unexpected help in my chaotic life. I’m interested in working with you again as it was tremendously helpful then, and I find myself in a different yet similar life “slump” again. I’d also like to have my young adult daughter give this a try. I’ll be honest, I tried a local Certified Emotion code Body code Practitioner here for the same services about a year ago. There was literally zero results and that was with 6 in person sessions. Thank you Brooke
Hi Sherryl, I want to tell you how much I Love and Appreciate the Meditations and Shield Affirmation that you sent to me. Also, Jeffrey Allen’s meditation is so very peaceful and his voice is so soothing. I often fall asleep listening to him. I use the Shield Affirmation each morning. It's all helping me to get back on track Spiritually. Thank you Terry
Your work has made him better. He is not completely healed but hopefully he will continue to heal. He is now eating drinking and going to the bathroom. He's doing doggy things running after the squirrels in the yard and barking at the birds. He seems better and happier and hopefully continues to heal and stay with us.
Dear Sherryl,
Thank you very much for helping me through my health issues this year.
You were right on with the tumors. Thank goodness I found you. I can't imagine where I would be without your support. I feel better after each of your treatments and know I will stay well.
Take care yourself.
Sherry-Just dropping a quick note. I felt great after my last session. I had a lot of energy and I feel calm. I feel peaceful again. I should have known my Light Score was low by the way I was feeling, now we know what happened. I am glad you have me back on track. Thanks for everything. Have a nice day! Kathy
Hi Sherry- I’m leaving a Testimonial about my “once again” happy dog. You worked on my dog Spike, a 13 year old Boxer. He suddenly was vomiting water, very lethargic and not eating. Upon taking him outside for a walk, all he could do was lay down in the grass, refused to get up and walk.
After speaking with Sherry, she suggested a body check with the Emotion Code/Body Code and worked on him that afternoon. I went to work that evening, but came home early as I was concerned about my dog.
The next morning, he was up walking, eating and no vomiting! I took him out for a walk and was fine, he never laid down once! And although Sherry found a few more imbalances that need attention, I’m so pleased I have my dog back, thank you for your help, Eddie
Good Morning Sherry! I feel great this morning! My Right Foot pain is gone!! My Hip pain is a level 4 and my Shoulder feels good , there is very little pain! I am happy, I feel calm today!! Thank you Have a great day! Kathy
Hi Sherry, after the last session, the annoying jaw problem went away. So I will not need to see the Chiropractor over that issue. Thank you S.B.
Good Morning Sherry- thank you for your work on Sunday and the report. As the week went on last week, I found myself a little teary, a little more emotional than usual. By the end of the week, through the weekend and the beginning of this week I felt/feel a bit more motivated to take better care of myself. I went to the gym several days, got outside more and began eating better. Didn’t have such strong cravings for junk food or sugary treats or when I did, I was able to wait them out until they disappeared. I am grateful and hopeful more of that will come. I have been affirming that my organs are getting stronger, talking to them every day. That is the plan. Thank you for all you are doing for me!
Many Blessings-Hadley
Hi Sherry
I had my physical today and everything is great!! My Physician’s Assistant asked what I was doing to keep myself healthy and off of med's and why I had such great energy. I told her all about you and the energy work I receive from you.
She was super interested and asked for your info. I gave her your name and website so she could read all about what you do. She said she was super interested in this type of work, but doesn't understand it fully.
So excited that this is happening, that they are finally opening up to all this. Whoo hoo!!
Good Morning Sherry, I was looking over my last transcript, I couldn't believe it! I have a lot of trouble with smells/scents perfume, candles etc… It is really funny, we like to put air fresheners in the car, but they really bother my breathing. My husband mentioned asking you if you could help this. Then my session transcript revealed a physical allergy!
The universe was listening! This has been a problem since I did my cancer treatment chemo and radiation. Since my last session it is better, I can tolerate some smells/scents. I was really surprised when the
Thank you K.W.
Hi Sherryl, My fingers feel so much better! The Middle finger still sticks but the swelling and pain has stopped. I’d say I’m at a pain Level of 1 and it was previously a 7. So thank you for that! My rash is clearing up nicely too. I’ll make another appointment soon. Thank you
Hi Sherry-I have heard great things about the work you do and the Emotion Code/Body Code. I am reaching out to see if you Teach this? I would love to learn to do the work you do. Please let me know, I am very interested in learning from you. I will pick up the book and begin reading
I'm a nationally board certified Doctor of Physical Therapy since 2014 from New York Medical College.
Thank you Sherry
Dr Mel
Currently have my own YouTube channel.
Last weekend (Sat) my daughter and friends went to the music fest all day in Boston. There were no available Ubers so all walked home 35 min.
My daughter had no pain or discomfort all day!
Next day her leg muscles were a little sore (but that’s prob because she actually USED them for the first time in a couple years!) and is feeling good.
Also, she is not worrying about her condition now. She’s made an appt for PT to strengthen her core muscles which had become weakened. This is such a positive step for her! Thank you for your work with the Emotion Code/Body Code on her system.
Martha May 2023
Sherry has an amazing gift! She has worked on our dog for a couple of years identifying emotions which we then can address and help improve the quality of our dog’s life. Recently our dog was diagnosed with an intestinal virus. Prior to the diagnosis, the doctor thought it was cancer and wanted to run numerous tests—and already had a plan for chemo in place. Sherry with her Muscle Testing and use of the Emotion Code/Body Code and intuitive, holistic, skillful gifts & talents treated her—not only did the virus and her blood levels improve-NO ADDITIONAL testing was needed!! Our dog is back to herself with lots of energy and spunk—Our THANKS to Sherry.
Hi Sherry, just want to let you know the difference I have been feeling is great! I barely have anymore pain in my hands and feet. My joints are better too! I feel lighter in general, less worry, and I notice I don't hold onto the past anymore! I am going to keep going! Feeling healthier and less stressed! Thanks for all that you do! A.L. May 2023
"In January 2023, Blood Clots were discovered in my Lung after receiving a CT scan. Sherryl worked on them using the Emotion Code/Body Code to shrink the clots and last CT scan in April, the clots were dissolved."
"Experiencing lower Back pain for many months, Sherryl found and released Trapped Emotions stuck within my Back using the Emotion Code/Body Code and the Back pain has not returned since" 4/2023.
"May 2, 2023 I went for the CT scan check up on the clots which had dissolved, but the Oncologist found a 9 mm spot on my Lung and suspected cancer. I spoke with Sherryl who tuned into my system using Muscles Testing and reported there was no sign of cancer. On 5/10/2023 I had the PET scan, it was discovered that the 9 mm spot on my Lung was negative and from a previous Lung infection." "Thank you Sherryl"
Kim & Dot
Hello Sherryl, Steve asked me to let you know he was having lower back pain that started on Thursday 4/13/23, his pain level was between 3-10. By Sunday 4/16/23 Steve stated his pain was mostly on the right side, (same side as his nerve damage). The pain level was a 10, he couldn't finds a comfortable position, just in agony, the pain was making him nauseous and had almost brought him to the floor. Steve was alternating Tylenol and Motrin.
Sherryl did an emergency session using the Emotion Code/Body Code modality for Steve Sunday 4/16/23. Monday morning 4/17, Steve asked me to reach out to Sherryl and let her know some Good News! Steve slept all night and his pain level was almost 0 (zero) Thank You, Thank You, Thank You Kathy and Steve. By 4/18 we reached out to Sherryl again to let her know he was still pain free all day!
Sherryl the work you're doing is amazing!
I have been receiving energy work for several years now from Sherryl. This technique with the Emotion Code/Body Code has worked wonders for me. Not only has it taken away my back and hip discomfort. It has given me a higher consciousness with more clarity. I feel a lightness to myself and I feel like I lead from my heart and not my ego more than I ever have my entire life. I have more sympathy and understanding.
I am so much more connected with nature and the two winged creatures and the four-legged creatures. I have a stillness inside of me that feels amazing that I am beyond grateful for. I can easily connect to that stillness that is me in difficult or trying situations. And most of all, I can actually see heaven on earth with all the love in everything I see around me.
This technique is truly amazing for your overall well being and for your souls growth. Thank you Sherryl your my earth angel!
Sherryl, the 1st time you worked on me using the Emotion Code, I had been experiencing Vertigo, Splitting Headache and Sinus issues. Within that session, the Vertigo & Headaches went away. My Eyes started watering and my Nasal congestion started to drain, just like that!
Thank you Sherryl for your work Martha 2022
Hi Sherry, I was feeling overwhelmed with negativity in all areas of my life. When I reached out to you my life has changed. The negativity I was feeling is gone. I feel peaceful and happy. I will always be grateful our paths crossed. The work Sherryl does with the Emotion Code/Body Code & Medium Clearings is amazing! Thank you Katharine & Steve August 2022
Hi Sherryl, After releasing flu frequencies yesterday, I feel much better today. I just realized my sense of smell is back to 100%. It hasn't been above 30% for 20-30 years. This is SO cool. Thank you Joe 2022
Hi Sherryl, thank you much for sending the information this morning! I felt different when I woke up today. I felt very focused and confident. A nice way to start my day! The transcript is always interesting. Thank you so much, Kitty 2022
Hi Sherryl-With regard to the Emotion Code/Body Code work on my system, you asked about being tired due to the many layers you found imbalanced recently, due to the Adrenal gland imbalance. Yes, I did feel tired a lot, but I would just push ahead using my sheer will. I did wake up this morning though feeling quite relaxed and rested--thank you. I think I am entering a new phase of life, the work you are doing is all part of it and is much appreciated. I am curious to see if there are any other extreme imbalances as you move through the Body Evaluation findings. I think I am going to feel and function much better-- like we are designed to feel and function. I appreciate all you are doing. Many thanks to you for everything you are doing--it is very much appreciated.
Stephen 2023
Hi Sherryl- Gus is about 95% back to normal walking, much better. Still a tiny wobbly. We are all sooooo grateful! Thank you so much for your time and healing for Gus our little dachshund dog with the Emotion Code/Body Code!! He’s soo much better after what you did! You are awesome! Highly recommend you to anyone!!! Thank you Vicki & Jim 2023
Hi Sherryl, I definitely felt something shift and less pain and weight in my body today after the TE Group session... Amazing work Sheryl! Love it, anxious for more healing
2023 P. Guy
Hi Sherryl, What a supportive uplifting email! Great! I’m looking forward to continued work with you and the Emotion code, I will get my sessions booked. Thank you Terry
Hi Sherryl, I am working with a nutritionist and we’ve removed a lot of supplements for the time being while we sort some other things out. I definitely am dehydrated. I can feel that, and I am working on it. Thank you for pointing out with the Body Evaluation what I’m low in, and I will share that with my nutritionist. I hope you are enjoying this fall Season!
Thank you K.L.
Thank you, Sherryl!
I noticed since the Emotion Code sessions I am a lot more focused, and I’m not procrastinating as much as I used to. That is a huge help for me. I have lots of projects I need to get done, and it has really been making a difference. Thank you for your good work!
Hi Sherry, I was feeling overwhelmed with negativity in all areas of my life. When I reached out to you my life has changed. The negativity I was feeling is gone. I feel peaceful and happy. I will always be grateful our paths crossed. The work Sherryl does with the Emotion Code/Body Code & Medium Clearings is amazing!
Thank you Katharine
Hi Sherryl, After releasing flu frequencies yesterday, I feel much better today. I just realized my sense of smell is back to 100%. It hasn't been above 30% for 20-30 years. This is SO cool. Thank you Joseph M.
Sherryl — I think your work with the Emotion Code on Judy is very important in helping her to achieve good health. Thank you for all you do. Have a lovely Sunday.
Hi Sherryl!
Every time you use the Emotion Code I feel lighter. Over the weekend I felt it in helping me do what was right for me more and not having to justify the reason. I definitely feel that. I could feel it from the first time you did a session. I always put myself very last, way back of the line. I started putting myself forward and over the weekend I really needed that energy, because we were supposed to go to a graduation party. I just didn't feel up to it and actually told my husband, “you go by yourself “ and he was fine with it, but I stood up for myself instead of dragging myself. So this is really helping with self-esteem. Thank you!
Sherryl, the 1st time you worked on me using the Emotion Code, I had been experiencing Vertigo, Splitting Headache and Sinus issues. Within that session, the Vertigo & Headaches went away. My Eyes started watering and my Nasal congestion started to drain, just like that!
Thank you Sherryl for your work!
Good Morning Sherryl! Physically I don't sleep well, I'm tired a lot and my skin is sensitive. Not an itch but more of a tickle, it's a weird sensation. Things are going really well for me emotionally. Thank you for my report. No need to apologize for a delay, I know you're busy and know it will be sent. It's just when I schedule so close, I'm concerned you won't see my appointment. I'll work to let that go 😊 Your energy is infectious in the best way! Overall, I feel great with these sessions of Emotion Code. I have sent you a referral, she is very excited. Thanks for all you do!
Hi Sherryl, Since the sessions with the Emotion Code, I do notice a shift. My Inter-Personal communication has improved. Also, social situations that would previously cause me anxiety, don’t seem to. I’m happy to keep on going!
Sherryl, you really helped save my Mom with the powerful Emotion Code energy sessions. I am so grateful for your help; it is hard to put in words. As you say “it was divine intervention” and I agree. My Mom and I are so connected, I do find it hard to work on her sometimes. I can scrape the surface emotions for her but going deep and realigning and balancing her organs are out of my reach right now. I would really like for you to continue working on her weekly.
She is still having some chest pain and having a hard time reducing the prednisone. The digestive system is off with lots of gurgling and gas. The great news is she is finding her joy again, smiling, telling and laughing at jokes. She has gotten stronger with physical therapy even though it ends this week. She doesn’t want to continue with PT so we will find more ways to move the body besides walking. She seems to have found a new interest in yard work.
You are a true professional! So grateful to have you work on my family. I don’t know/understand at this point in my energy training how you go so deep. My Mom is doing so much better. Gerald is doing well also, thank you also for working on him!
So grateful too for all you have done for my family and me. Appreciate your continuing to share priceless information on how to deal with my Mom and for the detailed explanations to my questions. It helps so much! I really appreciate it. Thank you
Hi Sherryl, I want to thank you for all this fascinating information and the Meditation Mantra. It is a beautiful meditation and I have already used it today. I printed it and will share it with my husband and kids. The energetic work you did recently with the Emotion Code/Body Code helped my achy Legs problem and both Shoulders all waking me at night with a pain level between 5 & 6. I am happy to report I did not experience any leg or shoulder pain last night and was able to sleep soundly! Such a nice change from the disrupted sleep I was experiencing these past few weeks. Thank you again for all your guidance and wisdom. We appreciate all your support!
I have been working with Sherryl over the years, and have recently transitioned to her Emotion Code and Body Code work. Sherryl has a great overall sense in the field of emotional energy, and this translates so well into her Emotion Code work. She has a passion for her work and for helping individuals overcome and be better, so ultimately they can lead a fulfilling and happy life. Most recently, I had a throbbing and pulsating ear sensation that had gone on for hours. I had never experienced anything like it. It didn't give me physical pain, but it was certainly annoying and concerning. I reached out to Sherryl asking if she could work on me remotely to help this go away. Sherryl was quick to help out, providing an Emotion Code analysis, and within three hours of treatment, my throbbing ear had completely dissipated. I am grateful to have Sherryl in my corner of healing, and I have peace of mind knowing I can rely on her for care. Thanks Sherryl!
Sherryl, your work with the Emotion Code/Body Code system is truly Amazing! When you wrapped up the last session of Emotion Code on me, you not only successfully eliminated 12 final remnants of my existing Heart Wall but also, through the use of the Body Code System, you realigned the few internal Misalignment's found while working on me as well. The total amount of work done with me amounted to over 60 buried emotions that were removed during our 4 sessions together as well as at least 6-7 Misalignment's. The results are nothing less than ASTOUNDING!
With the work done by you with the Emotion Code/Body Code System, I am feeling much better about myself in general. My mind feels a lot clearer and I'm finding a "personality" within myself I didn't realize existed. I now feel like I can take on the new challenges currently facing me in my life without any of the fears, doubts or other obstacles I had when first starting with you back in March 2020. In short, because of your work, I feel like a newer and better version of myself! Sherryl, all I can say is that mere words cannot express my gratitude for what you have done for me. Joe Chateauneuf 2020
Thanks Sherryl! I had the best night’s sleep because of the Emotion Code in months. Only woke up once to use the bathroom. Usually I toss & turn for hours in the middle of the night.
Love these phone appointments! Just had a great appointment with Sherryl Comeau! Working with “emotion code” to release trapped dense energy…I’m very impressed!
Just had my 2nd “Emotion Code” appt with Sherryl Comeau. Love this! Can’t wait to clear all the layers of garbage in my energy field.
Emotion Code: I felt good after our session, a lot lighter and more childlike in a way... Just lighter and more innocent, and cared for. I feel blessed to have even addressed the emotions/events and let them go into the light. I feel like there is more for me to release from perhaps a long time of holding onto things, in trying to solve or understand them, or carry them for others. I am meditating on releasing them into the light and seeing the wisdom in that way, instead of through my body? I know the Earth is helping me, so spending more time in the sun and trying to meditate more.
Thank you for working with me!
Emotion Code: I appreciate all the work you do. And the pain is much better now. Thank you!
Emotion Code: I have pain in left shoulder and travels to neck, will this help? Wow, Thank you I do feel it is about a 7 now, was an 8 or more. Awesome info and so resonating. Definitely referring this. Blessings to you dear friend. Thank you so much!
Emotion Code: Jadyn's headache was much better today than usual. Thank you!!!
Emotion Code: I feel great! Thank you so much!
Emotion Code: Thanks so much Sherryl! I feel great shifting in my body and relief! I have been receiving great physical responses from these releases you have been sharing with me, Sherryl! You have been releasing emotions I could not detect myself! These past few weeks have been a tremendous gift of healing to me. Thank you and blessings for great success in all of your endeavors!
Emotion Code: Full body goosebumps when you released despair. Namaste Sherryl! Thank you for leading by example! Working on ourselves is the best gift we can give our community!
Emotion Code: I am enjoying very much how you are teaching people!
Emotion Code: Sherryl Comeau is THE BEST! Outstanding Knowledge!
On the Emotion Code you are so humble a sincere blessing!
Using the Emotion Code, my anxiety has settled, you are amazing!
I was fortunate today to be visited by Sherryl. I had been having a constant pain in my chest .I thought I was having a heart attack. She determined the pain was from another area of my body and was able to release the pain with her magnet technique, the Emotion Code. The pain has completely gone away and has not returned for several months. I will no longer refer to her as just Sherryl, instead The Amazing Sherryl. Thank you, Amazing Sherryl!
My husband and I have been a friend of Sherryl and her family for many years. I would hear about the work Sherryl was doing through her Mom and was always intrigued by the science of energy work. Recently Sherryl and her mom visited our home in Maine on a lovely Sunday afternoon. In our conversation we talked about some physical issues that I had experienced. Sherryl introduced the Emotion Code using magnets to my husband Kim and me and performed a session on the both of us that proved to be healing and relieved the feelings of stress that was weighing upon my chest for some time. That evening proved to be very relaxing and to date the feeling on my chest has not returned. Sherryl is a very bright, high spirited, energetic soul and very dedicated to the energy work that has helped many. Thank you Sherryl and it was a beautiful day visiting with you!
Sherryl worked with me with the magnets do an Emotional Code technique. Afterwards, on the way home, things would often come to me that I did not realize before. That was beneficial.