Hi Sherryl, I want to tell you about the awesome experience I had while visiting my Grandchildren in Vermont. We went to the mat in the morning and did some strength and breathing exercises. When we finished, I decided to see how they would do with the Jeffrey Allen Meditation you sent to me.
So Myself and 4 Grandchildren sat cross legged;
2 are twins age 10
1 is age 8
1 little one age 5
They closed their eyes and did not make a peep for 20 full minutes! It was so sweet to see. The 5 year old got a little restless a couple of times, but I motioned to close her eyes and she continued to sit quietly with her brother and sisters.
What a peaceful way to end our exercise routine! AND they astonished me by asking to do it again the next morning. So we did! A truly wonderful experience. Thank you for introducing me to Jeffrey Allen’s Meditations.
I have been listening to him at the end of the day as well. 2 nights ago I was filled with anxiety, so I put him on and laid down. His soothing tone relaxed me, and drifted off to a peaceful sleep. So grateful…..Terry