Finn the family dog,  read this touching story of parents crossing over, leaving their dog behind.

Hello my friend, I’m leaving you a Testimonial about the work you did on my family dog, Finn. It’s lengthy my apologies, but I feel people need to hear this story for their own animals!


My 20-year-old nephew is absolutely in love with his 8-year old dog Finn.  The sun rises and sets with this dog, he means everything to him. Sleeps in his room & they’re together 24/7. One random day in early May, he noticed Finn’s mouth starting to hang open. We took him to the vet. They told us to keep an eye on it within a week it had accelerated beyond anything we could imagine. His mouth was hanging open widely, later was unable to chew his kibble, eat a treat or drink water without it falling out of his mouth and making a mess everywhere, we took him to urgent care. He was diagnosed from a neurologist with “Trigeminal Neuritis”.  They said it randomly appears and should hopefully disappear within 6-8+ weeks. Needless to say that didn’t work for me emotionally…

That’s when I reached out to my friend Sherryl Comeau out of desperation and total FEAR. What you don’t know is my sister passed suddenly and unexpectedly in Dec 2021 in the house @ age 52.  After passing away, my brother-in-law’s health began to decline significantly over the next 2 1/2 years.  Present day; he too has recently passed away.


When Sherryl tuned in to Finn’s energy, she could see he was not only devastated by the loss of his Masters.  She said he felt deep grief and abandonment over their crossing having these emotion frequencies trapped unable to process them, and was the cause of these physical symptoms.

This made PERFECT sense to me; Finn saw EVERYTHING.  The EMT’s rushing in to resuscitate my sister, taking her away & never seeing her again.  2+ years, watching my brother-in-law’s health spiral downhill, pass away & never saw him again.  Animals are like people, they feel everything and more as they are trying to protect us


Sherryl did intensive Emotion Code/Body Code sessions on Finn (remotely).

He slept a TON in the next two weeks (as he began to heal).  Then the miracle happened, his mouth started getting better, closing more & more daily, until it was back to normal.  My nephew was skeptical, he thought it was “woo-woo” stuff.  My nephew ran upstairs to grab a $20 bill & put it in my hand.


When I asked why, he reminded me of his bet, that if Finn got better fairly quickly, he would start to believe.  (that was literally 2 of the BEST gifts I ever got!!)  Finn back to normal, & even better, my nephew now open to energy work!!   He has given permission for Sherryl to work on him now as well; Sherryl and I agree that this is what needed to happen, so my nephew could experience true healing with ALL the grief & trauma he had been through himself with his parents deaths.

I Feel so blessed to have Sherryl in my life for situations like these and more and will continue to work with her needless to say, THANK YOU SO MUCH SHERRYL!! ☺️🙏❤️


Sincerely, Michelle