Dear Sherry; When I began my work with you early, 2024, I did not feel myself. I had been working to recover from a serious car accident for a little over a year, along with the loss of my Mother that same year. Both things were monumental in my life and I found difficulty physically (worked with therapist, swimming/walking, weight loss and massage) and also felt depleted emotionally. I felt like I was going through the motions of life; get up, work, cook/chores, go to bed and so on. I withdrew from many of the relationships in my life, as I did not have the interest or energy to participate in them. Living life felt like a chore – I was missing my joy, my sense of happiness and myself – in the day to day.
Having read about Body Code I thought I would reach out to see if this work could help me. Following the first several sessions I actually felt like I was actually letting go of things I had held onto. Not just from the last 2 years, but a lifetime of feelings I did not even know I had inside. I felt very emotional the first several days following each session. (I scheduled them on a Fridays to be able to process over weekends)
As the initial weeks and months of Body Code and Belief Code sessions went on, there were times in-between when I had moments of joy/laughter/more clarity and ability to pay attention and engage in more active listening and began engaging more with family and friends. After about 6 sessions, I found that processing following sessions, to be much easier. My daily irritability and feelings of frustration began to diminish.
Now in August, after completing 11 sessions with 1 more to go, I actually feel like myself, again – “Awakened!”. Halleluja!! The realization hit me that this person has not been here for several years! Now, when I step back to look at how I am feeling about my life, relationships with others, and my work, etc. I feel like I am doing a better job, am more content and much more available, present and alive.
Overall, I have a greater feeling of wellness, peace and happiness again in my daily living. When I signed up, I had felt a longing for these and worried I would not be that way again. I am overjoyed this work has lifted me!
Thank you Sherry for your time, work, care and concern for me (as I am sure you do for all of your clients). This work has put me back on course for quality living and enjoyment of life. Sincerely, Kristin